How to configure duplicati

Duplicati2.0.免费备份软件,用于在线存储加密备份适用于Windows、macOS和Linux.下载Duplicati2.0(测试版)或者查看1.3.4(不再支持).多种后端.Duplicati支持标准 ...,在此处下载Duplicati的最新和最棒版本:.DebianUbuntu.·FedoraRedHat.其他版本和操...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Duplicati 中文官网

Duplicati 2.0. 免费备份软件,用于在线存储加密备份适用于Windows、macOS 和Linux. 下载Duplicati 2.0 (测试版)或者查看1.3.4 (不再支持). 多种后端. Duplicati 支持标准 ...

下载• Duplicati 中文官网

在此处下载Duplicati 的最新和最棒版本:. Debian Ubuntu. · Fedora RedHat. 其他版本和操作系统:. Windows. macOS / OSX. 不常用的 ...

Download Duplicati application

Duplicati works with standard protocols like FTP, SSH, and WebDAV, as well as a wide range of popular services. Logo. Download for Mac. Download for Mac.


Duplicati is a free, open-source backup solution that offers zero-trust, fully encrypted backups for your data. Integrating with all major cloud providers ... Duplicati · Duplicati Documentation · Download Duplicati application · Forum

Using Duplicati with MacOS

To use Duplicati on MacOS, you first need to decide which kind of instance you want: GUI (aka TrayIcon), Server, Agent, CLI.

【免費又好用】新手也能輕鬆備份!Duplicati 教學

... Duplicati 官網https://www.duplicati ... EASY BACKUPS | Compressed, Encrypted, Rolling | Duplicati | Windows, Mac, Linux.

Releases · duplicatiduplicati

Fixed dark/light-mode icons on MacOS; Signing on MacOS is now done by Duplicati Inc; Signing on Windows is now done by Duplicati Inc, with an extended ...


Duplicati is a free, open source, backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file ... Duplicati · Issues · Pull requests 46 · Actions


Duplicati主要以C♯編寫而成,並完全以通用語言運行庫實作,使其可以跨平台。因為使用了.NET Framework或Mono,因此在32位元與64位元的Windows、macOS與Linux上均可執行。


Duplicati2.0.免费备份软件,用于在线存储加密备份适用于Windows、macOS和Linux.下载Duplicati2.0(测试版)或者查看1.3.4(不再支持).多种后端.Duplicati支持标准 ...,在此处下载Duplicati的最新和最棒版本:.DebianUbuntu.·FedoraRedHat.其他版本和操作系统:.Windows.不常用的 ...,DuplicatiworkswithstandardprotocolslikeFTP,SSH,andWebDAV,aswellasawiderangeofpopularservices.L...